A total of 30 credits (10 courses) are required in the Master of Science program in the Department of Civil Engineering and Engineering Mechanics, including the completion of at least 18 credits (six courses) within the CEEM Department. In order to complete a concentration, which would appear on a student’s transcript, M.S. students must take 3 out of the following 8 core courses and complete the requirements of their chosen concentration(s).
The Smart and Sustainable Cities concentration is intended for students who are interested in the development and monitoring of sustainable urban infrastructure and buildings. Students would be required to take 3 out of the following 4 courses:
- ENME E6215 Principles and Applications of Sensors for Structural Health Monitoring
- CIEN E4011 Big Data Analytics in Transportation
- CIEE E4116 Energy Harvesting
- EAEE E4350 Planning and Management of Urban Hydrologic Systems