
The Bachelor of Philosophy (BPhil) in Philosophy is a two-year, full-time taught graduate degree, which is an intellectually demanding course requiring a background in philosophy, usually from undergraduate study.

The BPhil in Philosophy requires a great degree of independence of thought from students, both academically as well as organisationally: students have to put together their own programme of classes, supervisions and topics for assessment. It is regarded both as training for doctoral study and a basis for teaching a range of philosophical subjects. This course is not available in part-time mode of study and is not offered via distance learning.

The main purpose of the BPhil is to provide future doctoral students with:

  • a basis of knowledge and understanding of a number of philosophy subjects that they can develop into areas of teaching competence;
  • the skills to conduct independent research in philosophy in their chosen area; and
  • the ability to produce written work that displays sustained argument, independent thought and lucid structure and presentation.

Tuition on the BPhil is through a combination of classes, one-to-one supervisions and independent research.

The Pro-Seminar introduces incoming BPhil students to graduate study by covering important papers in various areas of philosophy.

You will also be required to attend graduate classes during the first four terms of study. Graduate classes are normally provided across a range of areas covered by the BPhil syllabus. You may also attend any other classes, seminars and lectures in the Faculty of Philosophy which are of interest to you and any classes, seminars and lectures in other faculties that are open to you.

The course has no fieldwork, industrial placement or year abroad element, but students may decide to attend conferences, workshops or research training elsewhere.

If you are interested in ancient philosophy or the philosophy of physics you may wish to study the specific pathways for these subjects in the BPhil in Philosophy. These are not separate courses, but a way of maximising the study of these topics within the existing BPhil structure. A student on these tracks would study primarily ancient philosophy or the philosophy of physics/science during the first four terms and go on to write a 30,000-word thesis on an ancient philosophy or philosophy of physics/science topic in the final two terms.