The Master of Health Science (MHS) degree is organized around a core set of four terms of graduate courses and a final research paper that demonstrates mastery of what has been learned in the coursework experience. The MHS degree is completed in one academic year when completed full-time. The program can be completed in any of these formats (or a combination of them): fully onsite, fully online, full-time, or part-time. If the program is done part-time, students are expected to complete it in a two-year period. The MHS degree in the Department of Mental Health may be combined with a certificate program offered in another department within the Bloomberg School of Public Health, e.g., Health Education, Health Finance & Management, Health Policy, Health and Human Rights, Health Communication, Health Disparities & Health Inequality, Injury Control, and Maternal and Child Health. These certificate programs are at no extra cost to full-time students and are available to enhance the mental health research educational experience. Courses taken during Winter or Summer sessions will require additional payments.
The Director of the MHS Program is Dr. Jeanine Parisi. The MHS Program Director is the adviser of record for all MHS students. The Director of the MHS Program serves as a resource for MHS students, advising on the choice of courses, career planning, guiding students in selecting a topic for their MHS paper, and connecting them with an appropriate faculty co-adviser in relation to this paper.