Medical Science (MRC Cognition and Brain Sciences Unit)


The primary aim is for our students to develop the skills required to submit an excellent MPhil thesis.

To that end, our students design and conduct robust and high quality experiments and then analyse the results of these experiments. Alternatively, students may apply sophisticated analyses to existing ‘big data’ sets from large cohort studies. In both cases, an important aim is for our students to learn to communicate their findings both in writing and orally to academic or lay audiences. We also aim for our students to be fluent and practiced in open science principles and methodologies.

While there is no “standard” route or model, our experience is that an excellent MPhil results from asking a good question and the expertise of our supervisors in combination with the dedicated enthusiasm of our students.

Learning Outcomes

An important outcome is that our postgraduates will develop the research and technical skills required to be able to design and conduct robust, high quality experiments, implement appropriate analyses of results, and learn to communicate findings both in writing and orally. Another important outcome is for our students to be fluent and practiced in contemporary open science principles and methods. We furthermore endeavour to train our students in a broad range of transferable skills that will help ensure rewarding and successful careers in the profession of their eventual choosing – whether this is in academia, industry, policy, or clinical practice.