Mathematics with a Specialization in the Mathematics of Finance


The MA program in Mathematics of Finance is designed for students who want to work in areas of quantitative finance such as quantitative portfolio management, quantitative trading, risk management, derivatives modeling, structuring and trading, and other related quantitative fields.

In conjunction with the Department of Statistics, the Department of Mathematics offers an MA in Mathematics with a specialization in the Mathematics of Finance. The program concentrates on the advanced quantitative methods required for modern finance and draws on the diverse strengths of Columbia in stochastic processes, numerical methods, and application to finance. The program consists of ten courses, of which six are required and four are electives. Topics covered include probability and random processes, statistics, partial differential equations, financial markets and instruments, valuation and hedging techniques, and computational and simulation methods. All required courses are available in the evenings. In addition to the regular course work, students attend a weekly seminar in which distinguished practitioners discuss their research, give mini-courses, and suggest open problems.

Students may register full or part time. Full-time students complete the degree in one year; part-time students complete the degree in no more than four years.