
There are no associated lectures, classes or written examinations. Your project can be in any of the subject areas for which supervision is available. The department’s research covers the entire spectrum of mathematics, with subject areas including:

  • Algebra (primarily group theory and representation theory)
  • Geometry
  • Topology
  • Mathematical biology and ecology
  • Industrial and applied mathematics (including fluid and solid mechanics, geosciences, mathematical physiology, methodologies, and networks)
  • Numerical analysis.

You will be asked to outline your research interests when you apply by listing one or more of the fields of research above on your application form under “proposed field and title of research project” and you will be matched to the most appropriate research group.

You will be expected to acquire transferable skills as part of your training, which will require you to attend courses, lectures, workshops and colloquia. You will have the opportunity to develop other valuable skills and to contribute to the teaching work of the department, both by marking students’ work and later by leading classes of around eight to twelve students.