
During this full-time course, students will have the opportunity to consider a wide range of issues that higher education systems around the world are facing today, including the social and economic contributions of HE, internationalisation, graduate employment and employability, access, equity and social justice, student fees, and rankings. Teaching sessions will combine tutor input, class discussion, and working in small groups in order to examine these key issues and the discourses that shape them.

Course members study three core papers which consider policy issues across higher education systems and the role higher education plays in the economy and society from theoretical, historical and empirical perspectives. Lecturers will also present their own recent research findings, ensuring that the course content reflects live debates and emerging understandings within the field of higher education studies.

In addition to these three pathway-specific core papers, two core papers in research methods develop students’ understanding of key concepts and principles of educational research design and methodology, using quantitative and qualitative methods and data. Students benefit from the expertise available through the Qualitative Methods Hub and the Quantitative Methods Hub at the Department of Education. MSc Education students also choose one assessed option paper from a selection offered by academic staff across the department.