
The Department of Global Environmental Health (GEH) aims to study the relationships between the environment and human health and to produce well-educated professionals with the ability to undertake epidemiological research. 

Our research interest includes climate change and variability, air pollution, and human health across multiple countries in environmental epidemiology. We address the scientific questions of how environmental factors are associated with health outcomes and potential socio-economic determinants that modify the exposure-response associations. 

GEH has multiple collaborations with both domestic and international colleagues. Ongoing projects we are involved in include 

  1. Health Risk Assessment of Climate Change and Air Pollution 
  2. Global Perspectives of Seasonal Changes of Suicide and Associations between Suicide and Weather 
  3. Climate Change Impacts on Human Health in the selected Pacific Island countries 
  4. Establishment of an Early Warning System for Infectious Diseases in Southern Africa Incorporating Climate Prediction