
Fields include biomedical sensory systems, communications and signal processing, neural networks, control systems, wireless networks, sensor networks, microelectromechanical and nanomechanical systems, nanoelectronic science and technology, optoelectronic materials and devices, semiconductor materials and devices, quantum and nonlinear photonics, quantum materials and engineering, computer engineering, computer architecture, hardware security, neuromorphic computing, and VLSI design.

M.Phil. See Degree Requirements under Policies and Regulations.

M.S. (en route to the Ph.D.) To qualify for the M.S., the student must pass eight term courses; no more than two may be Special Investigations. An average grade of at least High Pass is required, with at least one grade of Honors.

Terminal Master’s Degree Program Students may also be admitted directly to a terminal master’s degree program in Engineering & Applied Science. The requirements are the same as for the M.S. en route to the Ph.D., although there are no core course requirements for students in this program. This program is normally completed in one year, but a part-time program may be spread over as many as four years. Some courses are available in the evening, to suit the needs of students from local industry.