
The University of Chicago Forum for Digital Culture offers a variety of academic programs in which students learn coding skills relevant to research in the humanities and investigate the impact of digital computing on society, culture, and the arts.

The Forum’s curriculum responds to the growing demand for academic rigor in the loosely defined field of digital humanities and the need to certify technical competence in this area. It equips students to pursue careers that utilize their skills in research, writing, and critical thinking in tandem with the use of software for the study of human languages and cultures, past and present.

The Master of Arts program in Digital Studies of Language, Culture, and History is designed for full-time students who have a bachelor’s degree in the humanities or in a related discipline such as linguistics, history, anthropology, sociology, communications, or fine arts. Students with a background in the sciences, including computer science, may also benefit from this program and are encouraged to apply.

Students apply to do either a one-year general M.A. with no thesis requirement or a two-year M.A. with a specialization and thesis project in one of the following areas: