Since its inception in 1993, the following four professors have led the Department of Community and Global Health: Professors Gen Ohi (April 1993- March 1996), Som-Arch Wongkhomthong (June 1996-March 1999), Susumu Wakai (August 1999-March 2006), and Masamine Jimba (June 2006-2023).
Keywords in this department are both community health and global health. To improve health at these levels, we need knowledge, wisdom, and grit. In a frequently changing world with unexpected emerging health challenges, our knowledge based on academic research often needs to be revised. To overcome the lack of knowledge, wisdom is necessary, which can be gained through the experiences of the people who live in the communities. However, wisdom is not sufficiently helpful during difficult periods of time. It is grit that can make a breakthrough in such a situation. We can strengthen community action by mobilizing available knowledge, wisdom, and grit. We then seek to link grassroots efforts within communities with national and global policies that affect these communities, empowering the citizens to improve their lives. Our goal is to narrow the health gap at the community and international levels.
Moreover, we need to go beyond the health target. Good health is one aspect of life; most people seek something more. We must ask ourselves: how can we go beyond health to help people lead better lives? This question is intrinsic to our education and research. Students and staff members must always maintain sight of it.
As of January 2024, the department members include 2 assistant professors, 3 secretaries, 12 visiting lecturers, 6 doctoral students, 6 master’s degree students, and 38 visiting researchers. More than half of the department’s students are international students. A new professor is under election.