
The Master’s in Cognitive Neuroscience program is a research-intensive course consisting hosted by the MRC Cognition and Brain Sciences Unit, one of the world’s leading centres for cognitive neuroscience. The Master’s consists of seminar-style teaching on advanced topics in cognitive neuroscience, cutting-edge methods and bioinformatics training, and independent, self-directed scientific research projects and essays. The programme combines rigorous theoretical instruction with hands-on practical experience, ensuring that you develop the essential skills to drive forward your own independent research, and make meaningful contributions to the study of cognitive neuroscience. 

The educational aims of the course are to:

  • to give students with relevant experience at first-degree level the opportunity to carry out focused research in the discipline under close supervision; and
  • to give students the opportunity to acquire or develop skills and expertise relevant to their research interests.

The course will also:

  • provide a strong foundation in the core principles of cognitive neuroscience – delving into topics such as neuroimaging techniques, neural networks, cognitive neuropsychology, computational modelling, and neurobiology of mental health conditions.
  • enable hands-on training in cognitive neuroscience methods and advanced analyses
  • allow flexibility for students to explore their specific research interests via independent projects and journal clubs
  • train students in academic scientific writing and presentation

As a student in our program, you will benefit from the vibrant academic and scientific community across the University of Cambridge. You will have access to state-of-the-art research facilities, including cutting-edge imaging technologies and advanced computational resources.

Learning Outcomes

By the end of the course, students will be able to demonstrate the following knowledge and understanding: 

● advanced knowledge and understanding of methods in neuroimaging and analysis, including in scientific computing, with knowledge acquired in the taught elements of the course and applied during their research project;

● in-depth knowledge of the background to their selected research project including the research methods and methods of data analysis used; 

● a broad understanding of modern research techniques applicable to cognitive neuroscience research from the series of technical lectures; 

● knowledge of the theoretical approaches relevant to their specialisation and training in critical thinking in the area, assessed by the written and oral presentations; 

● expertise in research methods, data analysis and statistics, assessed by the short biostatistics assessment and application of the methods to interpret the data collected during the research project; 

● originality in the application of knowledge, together with the practical understanding of how research and enquiry are used to create and interpret knowledge in the field, obtained through undertaking the prolonged research project.

Students will also acquire the following skills and attributes: 

● analyse critical research literature and contemporary topics in the areas of their specialisation, and present such analyses in written and oral formats; 

● explain the importance and impact of topics in their area of specialisation to specialist and non-specialist audiences; 

● demonstrate proficiency in experimental and data analysis techniques; 

● demonstrate critical thinking and problem-solving approaches to experimental data; 

● participate in scientific discourse through written material, oral and poster presentations