
Understanding and discovering new phenomena in nature and developing new materials to protect nature and better people’s lives are the two underlining aims of the Department of Chemistry. Graduate students at the Department are engaged in both advanced research and the instruction of younger students, thus developing the skills to conduct frontier research in the future and educate a new generation of scientists. Strong interaction — sharing the emotional charge of elucidation and discovery — between faculty and students is at the core of the educational environment of the Department.

Graduate students have opportunities for research and training in physical, organic, and inorganic and analytical chemistry, as well as other interdisciplinary areas. The Department offers a very extensive research and educational system, with faculty coming from the Research Centre for Spectrochemistry, Laboratory for Earthquake Chemistry, the Graduate School of Arts and Sciences, Graduate School of Frontier Sciences, Institute for Solid-State Physics, the Ocean Research Institute, the Radioisotope Center, the Research Center for Advanced Science and Technology, and the JAXA Aerospace Research and Development Directorate, in addition to the Department itself. Students also have access to state-of-the-art specialized instrumentation.

In order to encourage graduate students to become top-tier international researchers, all the lectures in the graduate programs are given in English. International seminars and symposia for graduate students and young researchers are also held frequently, with participants including researchers and graduate students from overseas.