
The Program in Applied Mathematics at Columbia University, which hosts the Bachelor, Master and PhD degrees in applied mathematics, sits in the Department of Applied Physics and Applied Mathematics (APAM) of the Fu Foundation School of Engineering and Applied Sciences (SEAS). The core group of faculty members of the Applied Mathematics Program, many of whom have joint appointments over different departments in SEAS, have research expertise covering mathematical analysis, partial differential equations, numerical analysis, probability, dynamical systems, multiscale modeling, high performance scientific computation, and numerical optimization with applications in optics and photonics, material science, machine learning, data science, imaging science, biology, and climate modeling, to name some examples.

This 30-point program leads to a Master of Science degree. Students must complete five core courses and five electives. All degree requirements must be completed within five years. A candidate is required to maintain at least a 2.5 grade point average. If a student admitted to the Applied Mathematics M.S. only program is interested in the Ph.D. program, the student must reapply for admission. The core courses provide a student with a foundation in the fundamentals of applied mathematics and contribute 15 points of graduate credit toward the degree.