
Hosted by the Nuffield Department of Surgical Sciences, the MSc by Research in Surgical Sciences is normally two years in length. Students are admitted directly onto a research project working with one of the department’s many principal investigators (PIs). Usually candidates agree upon a project with their supervisor, and in the first instance we strongly encourage you to visit the department’s website to identify and contact a supervisor within your area of interest before applying. Research undertaken within the department covers many areas including fields such as cancer, immunology, and neurosciences, and specialities such as patient safety, transplantation, urology and vascular surgery

You will be integrated into your supervisor’s research group, and will have the opportunity to network with and present to the wider department through our Surgical Grand Round series and Research Away Day. Normally your supervisory team will consist of your main supervisor along with at least one additional co-supervisor (who may be based outside of the University), with support also available from the Graduate Studies team and college advisors. Typically, students should treat their studies as a full-time occupation of at least 40 hours per week, and should be available during core working hours.

The Medical Sciences Division skills training programme offers opportunities to develop your research and professional skills over the duration of your MSc by Research. It is recommended that you spend at least ten days a year on your graduate skills training.