
The Master of Forestry (MF) trains foresters to work effectively on the emerging frontiers in forest management, conservation and policy, with a skillset grounded in practical field skills and augmented by cutting-edge tools in geospatial analysis, multi-resource assessment and finance.

Forests are managed for a broad variety of goods and services, in an increasingly complicated context of changing climate, land-use pressures, global markets and conflicting cultural values. Our aim is to train foresters to work effectively on the emerging frontiers in forest management, conservation and policy, with a skillset grounded in practical field skills and augmented by cutting-edge tools in fields such as geospatial analysis, multi-resource assessment, and finance. 

We strive to provide students:

  • A knowledge base with breadth in the ecology and management of forest resources and depth in biology and physical sciences, silviculture, forest measurement, and resource policy, economics and administration
  • Quantitative and analytical skills in statistics and forest measurement, and a choice among geospatial tools, applied mathematics and quantitative modeling, and decision analysis
  • Management skills for effective stewardship and planning of forest resources, and successful collaborations in cross-disciplinary settings in the government, nonprofit and business sectors
  • Oral and written skills to communicate management prescriptions and plans to a wide audience and critically evaluate opposing viewpoints