Physics and Applied Physics


A comprehensive interrogation of the universe.

The training in physics is not limited to a list of specific subjects, but rather a set of conceptual tools that have united scientific communities for centuries, across a broad spectrum of research activities.

Physicists define themselves more by the manner with which they approach a problem, rather than the nature of the problem itself.

Program’s objectives

Through basic training in mechanics, electromagnetism, thermodynamics, statistical mechanics and quantum mechanics, physicists develop an inclination for a quantitative approach to the understanding of physical phenomena, a strong degree of abstraction and the search for common characteristics of universal problems.

The most outstanding aspect of this Master’s program is the involvement of the students in the research laboratories or in the institute of theoretical physics. Each student takes part in a research group one day per week.

An EPFL Master’s degree in Physics opens doors to various industries in private or public sectors. EPFL physicists have landed fruitful careers with companies involved in computer technology, materials sciences, aerospace, banking, insurance and the watch industry. Physicists’ activities focus on fundamental and applied research, R&D or management.

The program is offered in Physics and in Applied Physics (including an industrial internship).