Coterminal Master of Science in Earth Systems
Applications in 2021-22 are due:
- October 26, 2021 to apply for Winter 2022 matriculation.
- February 15, 2022 to apply for Spring 2022 matriculation.
- May 10, 2022 to apply for Autumn 2022-2023 matriculation.
- Coterminal application
- A statement of purpose
- A resume
- A current Stanford unofficial transcript
Applications must be submitted no later than the quarter prior to the expected completion of the undergraduate degree. The specific application deadline for each quarter is listed above, or can be obtained from the Earth Systems Program office. An application fee is assessed by the Registrar’s Office for coterminal applications once students are matriculated into the program.
- Students applying to the coterminal master’s program must have completed a minimum of 120 units toward graduation with a minimum overall Stanford GPA of 3.4.
- All applicants must devise a program of study that shows a level of specialization appropriate to the master’s level, as determined in consultation with the M.A. director and the Director of Earth Systems.
- Students applying from an undergraduate major other than Earth Systems should also review their undergraduate course list with the M.A. director. a
- Coterminal master’s students have the option of receiving their undergraduate degree after completing that degree’s requirements or receiving their undergraduate and M.A. degrees concurrently at the completion of the master’s program.
- Students must submit a new application to change from the M.S. to the M.A., or from the M.A. to the M.S. in Earth Systems. If accepted, the student must submit a Graduate Authorization Petition through Axess; a $125 fee applies to a successful Graduate Authorization Petition.
- Applicants will be notified of the admission decision in writing, typically 3-4 weeks after the application deadline.
- A $125 application fee will be assessed by the Registrar’s office for those accepted and matriculated into the program. To apply, students should submit an online application.
University Coterminal Requirements
Coterminal master’s degree candidates are expected to complete all master’s degree requirements as described in this bulletin. University requirements for the coterminal master’s degree are described in the Coterminal Master’s Degrees section. University requirements for the master’s degree are described in the Graduate Degrees section of this bulletin.
After accepting admission to this coterminal master’s degree program, students may request transfer of courses from the undergraduate to the graduate career to satisfy requirements for the master’s degree. Transfer of courses to the graduate career requires review and approval of both the undergraduate and graduate programs on a case by case basis.
In this master’s program, courses taken during or after the first quarter of the sophomore year are eligible for consideration for transfer to the graduate career; the timing of the first graduate quarter is not a factor. No courses taken prior to the first quarter of the sophomore year may be used to meet master’s degree requirements.
Course transfers are not possible after the bachelor’s degree has been conferred.
The University requires that the graduate advisor be assigned in the student’s first graduate quarter even though the undergraduate career may still be open. The University also requires that the Master’s Degree Program Proposal be completed by the student and approved by the department by the end of the student’s first graduate quarter.