
Emphasis in the M.A. program is placed on those competencies necessary for effective mathematics teaching as a means of enhancing professional growth of in-service and pre-service teachers. Conceptual issues in teaching are translated into practice through group and individualized instruction in special methods courses.


In addition to content courses in mathematics, students should enroll in at least two professional courses in mathematics education such as MSTM 4019, MSTM 4020, MSTM 5011, or MSTM 5520.

Master of Arts

Normally students complete 24 points in courses in mathematics and mathematics education including MSTM 4019 and and at least 12 points in mathematics.The remaining 8 points (3 courses) are reserved for electives chosen from professional areas such as psychology, philosophy, curriculum, etc. Programs for specialists in the teaching of elementary school mathematics should include MSTM 5010. Secondary school specialists should enroll in MSTM 5011, or for example, MSTM 5023, MSTM 5032, and MSTM 5037.

Prospective community college teachers should select courses in at least three mathematical areas such as analysis, algebra, and computing, in preparation for study beyond the master’s level. Initial teacher certification students should refer to the program brochure for information on additional requirements for New York SState certification. All applicants for the M.A. degree must prepare a written project as a culminating integrative experience.