
The Master of Arts in Global Thought is an interdisciplinary academic course of study that challenges students to explore new concepts and categories intended to encompass and explain the complexities of our interconnected and changing world. This distinctive MA is offered by the Committee on Global Thought (CGT), which includes more than thirty renowned scholars drawn from departments and schools across Columbia University.

The intensive, nine-month MA in Global Thought includes three core courses, which provide a broad-based conceptual and interdisciplinary foundation in global governance, global political economy, and global politics and culture, as well as a two-semester MA seminar. The MA seminar combines substantive engagement with CGT faculty members with workshop sessions that help students develop the original research, analytic argument, and persuasive writing of their capstone MA essays. Understanding global thinking as a process rather than a product, CGT’s faculty support students in their development of insights about the changing world, drawing upon local views of global processes that affect all of us, if not in the same way. Students choose the rest of their courses (13 credits) from available elective options across the university, which means that each student in the diverse and closely connected cohort pursues an individualized course of study.