Religion and classical civilization


Joint Major in Religion and Classical Civilization Worksheet

A minimum of forty-four to fifty-six hours (fourteen courses) as follows:

  • Either two 3 or 4 credit hour courses of Greek or Latin, or Classics 102 (4 hours) and 214 (3 hours)
  • Religion 300 (4 hours), Religion 490W (4 hours), and one tradition-specific course with approval of Religion adviser
  • An additional nine 3 or 4 credit hour courses in Religion and Classics, including
    • At least four 3 or 4 credit hour courses in Classics, or which at least two courses must be at the 200 level or higher
    • At least three 3 or 4 credit hour courses in Religion, of which at least two courses must be at the 300 level or higher.