
The Master of Education degree (Ed.M.) in Music and Music Education is an advanced professional degree for practitioners in music education that is designed to prepare graduates for careers in elementary schools, secondary schools, and colleges. It is awarded upon satisfactory completion of 60 points of graduate study. Major emphasis is placed on the improvement of instruction and curriculum. Candidates who show clear promise of success in further graduate study may apply for the doctoral program.

The Master of Education degree (Ed.M.) in Music and Music Education is an advanced professional degree for practitioners in music education that is designed to prepare graduates for careers in elementary schools, secondary schools, and colleges. It is awarded upon satisfactory completion of 60 points of graduate study. Major emphasis is placed on the improvement of instruction and curriculum. Candidates who show clear promise of success in further graduate study may apply for the doctoral program only after consulting their advisor.

The general course requirement is a minimum of 60 graduate semester hours, 30 points of which may be transferred from graduate coursework at another institution. Transferable credits are determined by the Registrar’s office. Candidates who have earned a Master of Arts degree from Teachers College must complete at least 45 of the 60 graduate points at Teachers College.

Programs of study and courses for the degree are divided into four general areas. A program of study should reflect a balance of courses in these areas: (1) Pedagogy, (2) Research, (3) Music Literacies / Musicianship, and (4) Music Performance.