The M.A. in History is distinct from the Ph.D. program. It is designed for self-funded students who have specific objectives such as community college or secondary school teaching, archival administration, library or public sector work, personal gratification, etc. There is no financial aid.
Candidates are required to do the following:
1. Complete a minimum of eight courses, which may include HIST 7000 (with the instructor’s permission) but must include at least two 600-level courses and four additional graduate courses in the Department of History or other departments appropriate for their career objectives.
2. Write a Master’s thesis oriented to their specific skills and career plans.
3. Pass a final examination based upon the Master’s thesis and the statement of goals included in the original application for admission. This examination will be conducted by the candidate’s academic advisor and at least one other Graduate Group faculty member.
The University of Pennsylvania requires no formal certification of language skills for the M.A. degree; however, certain technical competency requirements (including language) may be appropriate in the M.A. programs of particular students. In such cases, these requirements will be determined by the candidates in consultation with their academic advisors.
See also the full list of academic rules about the master’s degree.