The program of studies leading to the Bachelor of Arts in Italian consists of two distinct phases: preparation in the language and study of the literature and culture. While literature courses constitute the bulk of the program, good knowledge of the language is requisite to most upper division literature courses credited toward the major in Italian. The uniqueness of Italian is stressed at all levels of study. Detailed information on programs and specific degree requirements is available from the department.
The Italian major is a designated capstone major. Students are required to conceptualize, design, and complete an interdisciplinary research project or thesis. Graduates completing the capstone are expected to:
- demonstrate mastery of an area of Italian culture defined as Italian customs, traditions, geography, language, contemporary Italian life, contributions of Italians to the world.
- identify and analyze appropriate primary sources.
- acquire a working knowledge of scholarly discourse relative to a specialized topic.
- conceive and execute a project that identifies and engages with a specialized topic in Italian or in Italian and a field related to Italian.
- present their work to peers under the guidance of a designated faculty mentor who facilitates discussion and peer review.