Environmental Policy and Culture


The Environmental Policy and Culture Program (EPC) is open to students in all undergraduate schools at Northwestern. Students can pursue the adjunct major or minor together with a broad-range of majors/minors across the university. EPC students are enrolled in different schools including Weinberg College of Arts and Sciences (WCAS), The School of Education and Social Policy, McCormick School of Engineering, The School of Communication, Medill School of Journalism, and the Bienen School of Music. WCAS students can pursue up to three majors and/or minors, thus students can choose to have one major and a double minor or a double major and one minor.


Environmental Policy and Culture focuses on the human interaction with the environment. This includes the creation and enforcement of environmental regulations and agreements, energy policy, and how different cultures adapt to and view their natural environments.


EPC Students take courses offered in the program (listed as ENVR_POL) and other programs or departments, from the list of approved courses. Students should start with two courses from the list of approved overview/survey courses, and continue with courses and seminars, from the list of approved advanced/elective courses. EPC minors also take one natural science course.

For more information see Courses.


There are many clubs and activities outside of the classroom where students can meet other students who are interested in environmental issues. You can find a list of sustainability-focused student organizations on campus here, and attendance at EPC-related lectures and events is encouraged.