
The Department of East Asian Studies(link is external) (EAS) provides undergraduate concentrators with a broad-ranging knowledge of the languages and cultures of China, Japan, and Korea.

Information and Departmental Plan of Study

Concentrators are required to achieve proficiency in one East Asian language through the third-year level, and take eight departmental courses. The departmentals must include the junior seminar (EAS 300), at least two of the five courses HIS/EAS 207-208, HUM/EAS/COM 233-234, or EAS 229, and at least one course on premodern Asia. A single course may not be used to satisfy two requirements, with the exception of HIS 207 and HUM 233, either of which may be used to satisfy the requirement of a course on premodern Asia. A minimum of six of the eight departmentals must be EAS-prefixed courses. The remaining two may be language courses at or above the 300 level (after the three-year proficiency requirement is fulfilled), or any language courses in a second East Asian language.

Advanced Placement

Students seeking advanced placement should consult the director of undergraduate studies.


1. One year of language study in one East Asian language

2. One 200-level EAS course

Early Concentration

Students who meet the prerequisites for entrance into the department may be admitted and begin their studies as EAS concentrators in the second term of their sophomore year.

General Requirements

 Language Proficiency
Language proficiency through the third year in one East Asian language.

Departmental Courses
Eight departmental courses (“departmentals”) fulfilling the following requirements:

  1. Six EAS-prefix courses, which must include
    a) The Junior Seminar (EAS 300) as an introductory methods survey course, generally taken fall of the junior year
    b) Two of the following transnational courses:
        History of East Asia to 1800 (HIS/EAS 207)
        East Asia since 1800 (HIS/EAS 208)
        Contemporary East Asia (EAS 229)
        East Asian Humanities I: The Classical Foundations (HUM/EAS/COM 233)
        East Asian Humanities II: Tradition and Transformations (HUM/EAS/COM 234)
    c) At least one course on premodern East Asia
    Note: Either HIS 207 or HUM 233, when taken in fulfillment of (b), may also be used simultaneously toward requirement (c), however, the course will only count toward one of the six required EAS-prefix departmentals.
  2. Two additional courses, which may be
       EAS courses including courses cross-listed with EAS
       Cognate courses approved by the director of undergraduate studies
      Language courses at or above the 300 level (after the three-year proficiency requirement is fulfilled)
      Any second East Asian language courses

Independent Work

Junior Year. In the fall term the student participates in the departmental junior seminar (EAS 300) and also writes a junior independent work. In the spring, the student writes a second junior independent work under the supervision of an appropriate faculty member. At the end of  junior year, the student begins to draft a proposal for the senior thesis.

Senior Year. Each student prepares a senior thesis in consultation with an appropriate member of the faculty. The senior thesis represents the culmination of the undergraduate curriculum. It should be an original contribution to scholarship on East Asia, based at least in part on source materials in the student’s language of specialization.

Senior Departmental Examination

At the end of the spring term, the student appears before a faculty committee for an oral defense of the thesis. The defense will take the form of a conversation between the student and a faculty committee, and it will center on the senior independent work, as well as larger questions in the field of East Asian studies that inform it. Students will be asked to reflect on the process of their research: the original source of interest in their research topic; the process of fleshing out the architecture of their project; and difficulties and creative discoveries of their research and writing. The conversation will begin in the students’ primary research language: Korean, Japanese, or Chinese.

Study Abroad

The Department of East Asian Studies offers varied opportunities for overseas study in East Asia. Concentrators, certificate students, and non-concentrators are encouraged to take advantage of intensive summer or year-long language study and/or internships. The programs hosted by East Asian studies are the intensive Chinese and Japanese language programs in Beijing, China, and Kanazawa, Japan. Upon graduation, students will normally find themselves prepared to begin graduate work at a higher level because of such language experience and training. The department also encourages students to participate in extended internships or study programs in East Asia.

Scholarship aid is available to concentrators and non-concentrators for both summer and year-long programs. Students should contact the Program in East Asian Studies office for these funding opportunities. Students should also contact the Office of International Programs about other sources of funding. Application deadlines are early in the academic year. More information is available from the directors of the Chinese, Japanese, and Korean language programs, or from the Department of East Asian Studies website.

Certificate in Language and Culture

1. Seven language courses, three or more of which must be beyond the second-year level.
2. At least one EAS or cognate course in linguistics, religion, history, or anthropology.
3. Independent research (20–25 pages) based at least in part on Chinese, Japanese, or Korean sources dealing with aspects of East Asia. The topic must be in the humanities or social sciences. The paper could be either an original piece of research or a junior paper or senior thesis. If the paper or thesis is written for another department, at least half of the work must be on East Asia.

East Asian Studies Program Certificate

1. Two years (four courses) of study of Chinese, Japanese, or Korean. At least two of the four courses must be at the second-year level or higher.
2. Four East Asia content courses, one of them being a 200-level course.
3. Written work, which may be a senior thesis, a junior paper, or an independent research paper with an East Asian topical component.

East Asian studies concentrators focusing on one language can earn a language and culture certificate in the other, but may not also earn a Program in East Asian Studies certificate.

Cognates. A list of cognate courses in other departments can be found on the program website(link is external).