Computer Science Major
Students study a common core of fundamental topics, supplemented by a program of six electives that provides a high degree of flexibility. Three of the electives are chosen from a list of upper-level courses that represent area foundations within computer science. The remaining electives are selected from the complete list of upper-level computer science courses. Students are encouraged to work with their faculty advisor to create a plan tailored to fit their goals and interests. The department webpage provides several example programs for students interested in a variety of specific areas in computer science.
Information Science Major
Information science is an interdisciplinary major designed to provide a student with an understanding of how information is organized, accessed, stored, distributed, and processed in strategic segments of today’s society. Recent years have seen an explosive growth of online information, with people of all ages and all walks of life making use of the World Wide Web and other information in digital form.
This major puts students at the forefront of the information revolution, studying how online access touches on all disciplines and changing the very way people communicate. Organizations have large stores of in-house information that are crucial to their daily operation. Today’s systems must enable quick access to relevant information, must ensure that confidential information is secure, and must enable new forms of communication among people and their access to information.
The information science major can choose a scientific focus on algorithms and systems for organizing, accessing, and processing information, or an interdisciplinary focus in order to develop an understanding of, and tools for, information modeling and use within an important sector of modern society such as economics or health.