Chemistry and Chemical Engineering


Chemistry sits at the nexus of current science and is inflected by a movement towards ever-greater miniaturization. Whether the question concerns the life sciences, nanotechnology, materials or the environment, the answers, more often than not, are to be found at the molecular scale. The workable and sustainable energy sources of tomorrow are hidden in yet unimagined chemical interactions.

EPFL’s training in Chemistry and Chemical Engineering offers a broad spectrum of different approaches providing access to the incredible diversity of the atomic and molecular world. Chemists want to understand what matter is made of, from atoms to complex conformations of proteins. To this end, they learn how to master an arsenal of theoretical and experimental tools enabling them to penetrate the secrets of natural processes. They use this understanding of nature to protect it, to recreate and modify existing molecules, and to invent and produce artificial systems.

During their studies, the students in Chemistry and Chemical Engineering model the spatial configurations of given molecules from their computer. Through the interaction of light and matter, they study multiple spatial and temporal scale molecular systems. In the laboratory, they make base molecules react with each other in order to develop structures possessing specific properties. They also develop catalytic processes for carrying out selective reactions and perhaps design new processes for converting and storing energy.

A training that pairs in-depth scientific knowledge and engineering science is necessary for anyone wanting to specialize in industrial production. EPFL chemical engineers receive solid training in molecular chemistry and biology. They additionally are able to design and implement large-scale productions using physics, chemical, and biotechnological processes.