Bachelor of Science in Physics (Course 8)


An undergraduate degree in physics provides an excellent basis not only for graduate study in physics and related fields, but also for professional work in such fields as astrophysics, biophysics, engineering and applied physics, geophysics, management, law, or medicine. The undergraduate curriculum offers students the opportunity to acquire a deep conceptual understanding of fundamental physics. The core departmental requirements begin this process. The student then chooses one of two options to complete the degree: the focused option is designed for students who plan to pursue physics as a career, and is an excellent choice for students who want to experience as deep an engagement as possible with physics; the flexible option also provides a very strong physics framework, and gives students who may want to pursue additional academic interests the flexibility to do so. Both programs prepare students very well for graduate studies in physics, as well as for a variety of academic or research-related careers. Either option provides a considerable amount of time for exploration through electives. Students proceed at the pace and degree of specialization best suited to their individual capacities. Both options lead to the same degree: the Bachelor of Science in Physics.