Bachelor of Science in Engineering (Course 1-ENG)


The degree is designed to prepare students to make an impact in solving the world’s greatest challenges. The Bachelor of Science in Engineering program offers the option to select a core and pursue tracks of study for in-depth exploration of particular areas, or to focus on cross-cutting, multidisciplinary studies within and outside the department in emerging areas of civil and environmental engineering, broadly defined. Refer to the website for further details on sample educational tracks and educational opportunities.

The undergraduate program provides significant flexibility through a track structure that is consistent with the diverse nature of our disciplinary groups and responsive to students’ interests in new educational offerings. The program is built around a solid foundation in mathematics, big data, sensing, and computing, and is complemented by laboratory subjects on data analysis. It includes a capstone subject that provides ample opportunities for students to solve complex problems. The program enables students to design individualized programs to meet particular educational objectives. For example, students interested in careers in fields such as sustainability, environmental science and engineering, microbiology, sustainable materials, geochemistry, energy resources, structural/architectural engineering, oceanography, or environmental law can design programs that provide both depth and breadth.

The main component of the program is a small set of General Department Requirements (GDRs) consisting of subjects that focus on mathematics, computation, probability and statistics, and data analysis, plus a capstone. Students select one of three core options, each consisting of subjects that build a solid background in one of three areas: environment, mechanics and materials, or systems. Their selections of a core and a consistent set of four or five restricted elective subjects, in consultation with a CEE faculty advisor, define their track of undergraduate study. Restricted electives may be selected from subjects within or outside the Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering.

To satisfy the CI-M component of the Communication Requirement, students must take two of the department’s CI-M subjects (1.013 and either 1.101/1.102 or 1.106/1.107) or take one Course 1 CI-M subject and petition the Subcommittee on the Communication Requirement to substitute one CI-M from another science or engineering field. Any outside CI-M must fit into the coherent program of electives approved by the student’s academic advisor and must be approved by the undergraduate officer. The remaining part of the program consists of unrestricted electives, bringing the total number of required units beyond the General Institute Requirements to 180.