
Each year many undergraduates from across the university and its schools take language and content courses offered through the department. The students are interested in broad-based topics, and culturally-integrated general education courses on South Asia, including anthropology, history, cultures, languages, and literatures. Many of the courses fulfill the general and distributional requirements in line with the College Handbook and degree requirements. 

Students are encouraged to consider majoring or minoring in the department if they wish to develop a deeper understanding of the region. A student majoring in the department will combine the study of languages, broad based foundational courses and inter disciplinary courses; with a major concentration. For those who excel in their Majors studies, they are encouraged to apply for the honors program.  Others who choose to minor in the department will focus on building knowledge in foundational courses and electives in South Asia-related topics or languages. The department also welcomes students who wish to pursue a double major in SAST while concurrently matriculating in another department.

The department supports students to pursue their intellectual interests within the department and through leveraging the resources and the course offerings of other departments. Being able to design the perfect degree has for some, defined their overall college experience her at Penn. Here our students and alumni share their thoughts on how majoring, minoring and language study in the department has not only been rewarding intellectually and professionally, but has also prepared them for life beyond college.