What is Global Studies at UCLA
Global Studies is a highly selective major that provides students the tools to understand the processes of globalization and their consequences, and they are empowered to shape their world as the next generation of global leaders in business, education, government, and the non-profit sector.
Courses in the major study processes and consequences of increasing inter-connectivity in matters related to the expansion of the world economy, the demands for new forms of international cooperation and governance among states, and the mixing of cultures associated with the increased mobility of populations and the wide dissemination of information and media images.
Students receive one-on one faculty attention, travel study courses incorporated in the curriculum, and small seminar courses
Pillars we use to study globalization:
Culture & Society courses concentrate on the tensions between local ways of life with deep historical, linguistic, ethnic, and religious roots, and today’s pressures for transnational cultures and multiple identities, fueled by the communication of ideas and the movement of people all around the world.
Governance & Conflict courses focus on challenges to the nation-state from forms of governance above (regional and global governance) and below (autonomy and secessionist movements), and from security threats beyond interstate warfare (ethnic conflict, terrorism, civil wars).
Markets & Resources courses address the interactions among global, regional, national, and subnational economic processes over resources and market dynamics, their effects on different societies with respect to economic growth, poverty, inequality, the environment, and interactions among market forces, political institutions, and public policy.
The pillars capture the principal dimensions of the multifaceted interconnections increasingly defining the world we live in—among nation-states, international institutions, nongovernmental organizations, and ethnic, cultural, and religious groups.
Global Studies draws on insights from disciplines across the humanities and social sciences to give students the theoretical and methodological skills and the knowledge base necessary to understand this complex and rapidly changing world.