
The Bachelor of Arts/Master of Health Sciences (BA/MHS) and Bachelor of Arts/Master of Sciences in Public Health (BA/MSPH) programs are a coordinated academic collaboration between the Krieger School of Arts and Sciences and the Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health. It enables talented and committed Public Health Studies majors to complete a BA from KSAS and master’s degree from the JHSPH in five to six years.

The Department of Environmental Health Sciences, Department of Epidemiology, Department of Mental Health and Department of International Health will consider JHU undergraduates majoring in Public Health Studies for admission to the BA/MHS program. The Department of Environmental Health Sciences also offers a BA/MSPH in Occupational and Environmental Hygiene. The Department of Health Policy and Management offers a BA/MSPH in Health Policy. The Department of Population, Family and Reproductive Health offers two BA/MSPH programs, one in Adolescent Health, and the second in Sexual and Reproductive Health.

Public Health Studies students apply for early admission during their junior year. Admitted students must complete the BA degree before formally enrolling in the graduate school, but up to 16 of the public health credits earned inter-divisionally toward the BA may also apply toward the MHS or MSPH degree. In addition, students in this program will receive co-advising from both schools to optimize their academic experience. Find more information at http://krieger.jhu.edu/publichealth/academics/.